
  • Services
  • Design Strategy
  • User Experience
  • User Interface
  • User Research
  • Design System
  • Visual Design
  • Front-end Development

Zurich Italia is part of Zurich Insurance Group Ltd, providing consultancy and insurance products to individuals and companies.

Its mission is to help customers become more aware of the potential risks they are exposed to and protect themselves from them.

  • 01 Challenge

How to make the work of insurance agencies simpler and more efficient?

For Zurich Italia we implemented an advanced digital transformation to unify most of the tools within a platform dedicated to agents. Thanks to the connection to a single entry point and the standardisation of the design and behaviour of the various applications, we have simplified and speed up the management of operations.

  • 02 Solution

Activities with stakeholders.

The entire project was set up according to the Agile/Scrum mode, conducting regular meetings with stakeholders to structure and update the work in progress.

As part of these meetings we collected the requirements from time to time, conducted interviews to intercept the needs, carried out brainstorming and co-design activities and, finally, collected continuous feedback on what was planned.

  • 03 Solution

User Interviews.

In the exploratory phase, we interviewed agents to understand their activities and operations, delve deeper into their working method and understand needs and critical points. During the testing phase, however, we presented them with prototypes at different levels of definition, fully navigable, to simulate their real experience of using the tool, test what was designed and collect useful feedback for improving the product.

  • 04 Solution

Flows and wireframes.

We have analysed and revisited the flows of the various Zurich applications to make the agent portal interact more efficiently with the customer cards, the issuing and post-sales platform, the fast quoter and other tools. Once the flows were defined, we designed the wireframe to present and validate the new tool structure together with the customer.

  • 05 Solution

UI & Design System

During the design of the graphic interface, it proved necessary to integrate the Zurich Design System with new components, more complex and built specifically, to make it possible for agents to carry out some operations.

  • 06 Solution

Sviluppo Front-End

Following the work of the various system integrators, we dealt with the CSS development of the design and aesthetic presentation of the various tools. In this way we have graphically standardised all the applications on which we worked, making them consistent with the UI styleguide and what was prototyped in the previous phases.

  • 07 Tools & Languages

For this project we used:

  • Sketch
  • InVision
  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • SASS
  • Git
  • JavaScript
  • Angular

We thought of it, we designed it

Tell us your idea, we can't wait to create innovation together!
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