Vittoria Assicurazioni

  • Services
  • Design Strategy
  • User Experience
  • User Research
  • User Test
  • Web Design
  • Front-end Development

Vittoria Assicurazioni deals with the protection and safety needs of people and businesses.

Vittoria Assicurazioni has been operating in the insurance field since 1921, basing its business on consolidated experience and operating at the highest levels of quality. Its Mission is to take care of people, families and companies, providing the best solutions for their protection.

  • 01 Challenge

How to improve a website by increasing its usability and communication capacity?

For Vittoria Assicurazioni we carried out User Research by analysing real data to have a complete and in-depth understanding of the target audience. After designing the website, we validated its level of usability by carrying out tests with end users.

  • 02 Desk Research e Survey.

Moderated interviews.

By analysing the data regarding Vittoria Assicurazioni's target, already in the company's possession, we were able to collect a significant amount of information on real users. We then validated and explored the results of the Desk Research activity through an online questionnaire on Google Survey.

  • 03 Solution

Customer Personas e Journey Map.

Based on the evidence that emerged from the research phases, we were able to outline specific Customer Personas and trace, for each of them, the relevant Journey Map, to become aware of the user's real experience of use.

  • 04 Solution

Content analysis and definition.

We carried out an analysis of the as-is contents of the Vittoria Assicurazioni website, its competitors and the reference market. We then defined the sitemap and prepared specific contents for the main pages, integrating them with the contents migrated from the previous site.

  • 05 Solution

Wireframe, UI and Prototyping.

The work continued with the wireframe of the website, the design of a graphic interface compliant with the Vittoria Assicurazioni style guides and the creation of fully navigable prototypes, necessary for the validation carried out in the Test phase.

  • 06 Solution

Usability Test.

To verify the effectiveness of what was designed, we conducted moderated test sessions remotely. We shared the site prototypes with real users and assigned them tasks to carry out: in this way we were able to ascertain the level of usability of the product, identify critical points still to be resolved and collect useful feedback to share with our client.

  • 07 Solution

Coding Front-End.

Finally, we developed the HTML templates, faithful to the design in every detail, making their back-end implementation easy thanks to their module structure.

  • 06 Tools & Languages

For this project we used:

  • Illustrator
  • Photoshop
  • Sketch
  • InVision
  • SASS
  • JavaScript
  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • Bootstrap
  • Gulp
  • Git

We thought of it, we designed it

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