How we do it

Our method:MyndSET.

Seek out



It takes method.

We don't like to just be considered lucky, as if we guessed the right moment only by chance. Our every move is therefore defined by a well-studied action plan that is based on Design Thinking concepts: empathy with the target, analytical spirit, creative thinking and constant validation of solutions.

This is how true innovation is created.

Our MyndSET involves the iteration of three phases: Seek out, Explore and Test. At each cycle the solution is gradually perfected on the basis of the feedback collected, until a valuable, functional and aesthetically satisfying project is reached.

The advantages.


Promotes user understanding.


Promotes user understanding.


Fuels team proactivity and collaboration.


Fuels team proactivity and collaboration.


Encourages innovation and flexibility of thinking.


Encourages innovation and flexibility of thinking.


Reduces risk margins and project costs.


Reduces risk margins and project costs.


Seek out.

Through consolidated research activities, we identify target audiences and empathize with them to understand their needs, requirements, ways of thinking and behaviour. At the same time, we identify customer expectations and their business objectives, to outline a project that allows all actors involved to achieve their goals.

How do we find out?

Let's choose some tools from our Toolbox, for example:

  • User Interview
  • Ethnographic Research
  • Survey
  • Stakeholder Mapping


We observe the problem identified in the Seek out phase from different points of view and explore possible solutions by bringing teamwork and our ability to think outside the box into play. Thanks to multidisciplinary contamination and the comparison of ideas, we define the most effective concept and design it.

How do we find out?

Let's choose some tools from our Toolbox, for example:

  • Brainstorming
  • Storyboard
  • Co-Design
  • Sketching


We test the effectiveness of the concept developed in the Explore phase to ensure that it can achieve its objectives. However, this is not the final phase: based on the feedback collected, we identify any critical issues and retrace the creative cycle to refine the solution.

How do we find out?

Let's choose some tools from our Toolbox, for example:

  • User Test
  • A/B Test
  • Tree Test
  • Heuristic Evaluation


We love teamwork, which is why we provide the team with all the methodologies and tools that we consider useful to bring more value to our projects. And so our Toolbox was born.

Thanks to a large shared collection of methods and documents we optimize the processes of study and analysis of the problem, reaching the final solution more effectively.

We thought of it, we designed it

Tell us your idea, we'll take care of the action plan!

Tell us your idea, we can't wait to create innovation together!
Grazie per averci scritto!

Abbiamo ricevuto il tuo messaggio,ti risponderemo al più presto.

Nel frattempo, puoi fare un giro sui nostri profili social e conoscerci più da vicino 😀

Grazie per averci scritto!

Abbiamo ricevuto il tuo messaggio,ti risponderemo al più presto.

Nel frattempo, puoi fare un giro sui nostri profili social e conoscerci più da vicino 😀